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Which 5 of 7 Seven Deadly Sins Is Trump Guilty Of ? Does anyone care?

Updated on November 10, 2015


Seven Deadly Sins of Man Five For Trump
Seven Deadly Sins of Man Five For Trump

5 Out of 7 A new presidential standard

Our standards of decency have deteriorated to where we see Trump’s inexcusable behavior as being the norm for all citizens.

Compassion, caring, respect, decency and civility which were once the traits we all valued have gone by the wayside, replaced by arrogance, harshness, disrespect, nastiness and unabashed ugliness.

Is this the face of the new America?

What happened to the kinder gentler nation we once strived strode to become? Can you recall the way we and the world at large reacted to 9 -11 nightmare. The country found itself in a state of shock, deeply mired in the tears and sacrifices so many of our citizens suffered. We mourned our great loss united as a nation.

As the country began to heal, we were determined to become a kinder gentler nation. In our attempts to find that kinder side of our nature, people began smiling at one another, saying thank you, remaining calm in strenuous times. We found hundreds of little ways to stay calm and to help others do the same. We commented on our good behavior and felt proud of our accomplishment,

Being a kinder, gentler nations was hard work, but it was well worth the effort. In our own way, we all tried to exhibit the finest side of our nature and accomplished much of that with the help of tiny expressions of kindness and humanity. It was a good time in light of the circustances, a pleasant interlude in our lives but short for certain.

Here we stand, less than 15 years later. We have apparently lost bearings and returned to our iconic image of the Ugly American known throughout the world for our selfish, narrow minded opinions and self serving mannerisms which have culminated with the selection of the ultimate, ugly American, Donald Trump as a candidate for our country’s highest office.

Heaven Help Us. Heaven Help The United States of America

If Trump is chosen, then elected, how will he impact the people, particularly the youth. Will his antics, crudeness, and self serving arrogance become the standard we will all aspire to and will we eschew the traits our revered presidents once inspired in us. Out best hopes lay in denying this throwback to the days of ignorance and bigotry the chance to do further damage to who we are. The man speaks with forked tongue. If we listen to his words and believe, we will sell future generations and our country short.

The Seven Deadly Sins of Man and Donald the Trump’s Five

Perhaps the best description of Trump’s dubious traits which he would brings to the American Presidency can be found in biblical references to The Seven Deadly Sins of man:

  1. Pride- inordinate self esteem:

  2. Envy -”rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy” and slander of every kind

  3. Greed - excessive or reprehensible acquisitiveness

  4. Anger - A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger” (Proverbs 15:1)

  5. Sloth - disinclined to activity or exertion *

  6. Gluttony - excess in eating and drinking **

  7. Lust - to have an intense desire or need:

With the exceptiom of *sloth, which he attributes to Jeb Bush and **Gluttony which he has not yet accused any candidate of, Trump has a corner on 5 of the sins. How would the typical evangelical react to this?

So far they had had no significant pull back from The Donald. Could they have possibly missed the comparisons?

Open up your minds citizens. We desrve better


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